Why Do People Deserve Second Chance?

09.56 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Well, I found this question in one tweet of a friend.
I don't know why but this question's haunting my mind.
So... For several days, I tried to think about it.
Over and over and over again.
And suddenly one day, I realize something.
Simple answer for this simple question.

Why do people deserve second chance?

It's simply because you're a human.
Why I said so?
Human always makes mistakes.
Intentionally. Unintentionally.
That's the rule of life.
Even the goodwill has not always been good on the eyes of others.
That's life.

Why do people deserve second chance?

I do believe in the existence of God.

Have you ever counted how many times you make mistakes?
Have you ever counted how much oxygen do you breath until now?
That's the second chance that God always gives to you everyday, every second, every millisecond.
Countless Chance.
So how's that?
Are you ashamed enough for not giving people second chance?
I do. I really do.

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