Today is 3rd November

00.38 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

hey hey hey.
I just have finished my assignment. It's what we call as Practice Report. Yeah. The report about our last practice. And... it was about chemistry.
Mineral Analysis.
Honestly, my fingers are happy to stop dancing with pen.

Right here. Right Now. I'm taking a rest.
This chemistry report was taking my whole attention because in fact, after the assignments' done, I'm just shocked to see the watch.
Today is 3rd.
yup, today is 3rd November.
This date reminds me about something. Hemm, well it's been a year from my breaking up with him, my ex. I am not going to admit some regret but I just wanna share that from that 3rd November I learn many things.
Many things. Many changes.
This date will never be a regret.
From this date I just learn something new that brought me to be a better me.
That breaking up show me how to express my love to someone appropriately.
Now, I can see what were my failure and my minus side while I'm in a relationship with someone.
and now, I'm attempting to throw away my minus and avoiding the same failure.
Somehow, now, I feel I'm better than I'm a years ago.
much more mature, I think.
Thanks God! That breaking up was just so meaningful.
Yes that is painful at the beginning but it's so useful right now as my experience.

So guys, don't be regret of breaking up. You should know somehow it can make you to be a better you.

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That's what we call dilemma

03.32 Terry Mukminah Sari 1 Comments

Hey, It has been so long that I didn't post anything here.
Yeah, you know, my college life is just hemm hectic.
Freakin' busy.
yap, all my skill labs, practice session, assignments, everything, those are just really loyally coming in my days. 

Tonight, I just woke up really early then I can touch this blog again.
Well. Enough for the introduction part.
Let's move on to the main topic today.
It's not a great things to talk about but hemm I just can pretend that it's not disturbing.
I'm confuse. IDK how to make it right because I know it's a false.
I'm in dilemma. And getting angry with myself.
I know I'm not a great liar. I'm just too weak to be a liar.
I won't anyone gets hurt.
And I know it should be erased.

What a randomized post! .___.

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