Good News For Leukemia Patients

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I just get news from my smartphone that said like this :
"Jika Anda Mendapati Teman atau Saudara yg terkena Leukemia atau istilah Kedokterannya CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia),Saat ini ada Yayasan yang Dapat Mensupply Obat Leukemia Tanpa Dipungut Biaya (GRATIS).Informasi Mengenai Hal Ini Dapat Menghubungi Ketua Koordinasi Yayasan Tersebut, yaitu :Bpk. Hardy SidhartaHP : 081553798910,Flexi : 031-71092099."
Those sentences means that in Indonesia, there was a great organization which concern about Leukemia patients. I'm so happy to see this. Hopefully, it can help those who are suffered by this disease. Please do spread this information because I'm pretty sure that there are so many people looking forward for this.
This organization will give free medicine for them. Spread it and help others :D

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