It's about heart

22.57 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Having a chat with one of my senior high friend. Yep, talking about university.
May be, it's a boring topic that usually I wrote. fuhh...

I just realize that I've left something that some people want. Scholarship. Yep. I left my scholarship because I wanna study general medicine. Hemm, yeah, I know, for some people, I just sacrifice too much. I left my full scholarship in my previous university. and nowadays I'm being a freshman (again) so that I've left one year from it should be.
Sometimes, I think that I'm lack of profit here. LOL.

But, one thing that I know, if you wanna a bigger thing, you should spend bigger sacrifice.
Yeah, sacrifice is needed in life.
going back to main idea, literally, I choose this choice because I think it's my way.
My previous university is good, comfortable, sophisticated (maybe) but somehow I find out that it's my own way.

My heart says that my previous university is not the right place for me. It's not about having no gratitude for the scholarship thingy. It's about the desire on the subjects.
Somehow I usually find out that my deepest heart isn't really matched on the subjects there.
Yeah, I think I'm real woman because I follow my feeling.
In the end of the day, I hope my feeling doesn't lead me to an astray.
but it will show me a bright life in the future. Amen.

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