Just A Day While I get What I want

13.03 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Well, this just happened several days ago while I'm officially being a student of my dreamed faculty. Faculty of Medicine.
Yup. Alhamdulillah. Now, right in a slot of my wallet, lying a card which I wanted to have since approximately 1 year ago.Alhamdulillah, I get it, I have it :)

I can not describe my gratitude with the words. Just by saying Alhamdulillah, I think Allah knows that it is my deepest gratitude for him who always give the best for my life. my parents, my sister, my brothers, my family, my best friends, and my only boy friend. :)
Finally, I can have it. It's the words around my mind.
Hopefully, that card which is also the award for every single sweat and pray of my parents, my family, my friends will always remind me to be serious in finishing my study.Thanks ya Allah. I Love You :D
This card below is my dreamed card :D

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