happy or happier

19.59 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Everyone wants to get happiness.
Yeah, sure enough, no one in this world wants to be sad. None of us.

How can we be happy?
That's the main question.

Well, once, I believe that happiness can be made by our own mind.
But, have you ever think that "just be happy" isn't enough for life?

And yeah, sometimes "just be happy" isn't good enough.
We need something more, we need "to be happier" instead of "just be happy".

But how?
There's no one who can show you how.
It's just you who knows what you have to do to get happier.

It's all on your heart.
It's yours to gain.

Because being happier is all about feeling and you always have rights to choose.

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