Today is 3rd November

00.38 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

hey hey hey.
I just have finished my assignment. It's what we call as Practice Report. Yeah. The report about our last practice. And... it was about chemistry.
Mineral Analysis.
Honestly, my fingers are happy to stop dancing with pen.

Right here. Right Now. I'm taking a rest.
This chemistry report was taking my whole attention because in fact, after the assignments' done, I'm just shocked to see the watch.
Today is 3rd.
yup, today is 3rd November.
This date reminds me about something. Hemm, well it's been a year from my breaking up with him, my ex. I am not going to admit some regret but I just wanna share that from that 3rd November I learn many things.
Many things. Many changes.
This date will never be a regret.
From this date I just learn something new that brought me to be a better me.
That breaking up show me how to express my love to someone appropriately.
Now, I can see what were my failure and my minus side while I'm in a relationship with someone.
and now, I'm attempting to throw away my minus and avoiding the same failure.
Somehow, now, I feel I'm better than I'm a years ago.
much more mature, I think.
Thanks God! That breaking up was just so meaningful.
Yes that is painful at the beginning but it's so useful right now as my experience.

So guys, don't be regret of breaking up. You should know somehow it can make you to be a better you.

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That's what we call dilemma

03.32 Terry Mukminah Sari 1 Comments

Hey, It has been so long that I didn't post anything here.
Yeah, you know, my college life is just hemm hectic.
Freakin' busy.
yap, all my skill labs, practice session, assignments, everything, those are just really loyally coming in my days. 

Tonight, I just woke up really early then I can touch this blog again.
Well. Enough for the introduction part.
Let's move on to the main topic today.
It's not a great things to talk about but hemm I just can pretend that it's not disturbing.
I'm confuse. IDK how to make it right because I know it's a false.
I'm in dilemma. And getting angry with myself.
I know I'm not a great liar. I'm just too weak to be a liar.
I won't anyone gets hurt.
And I know it should be erased.

What a randomized post! .___.

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It's Cheap ; It's Valuable

10.20 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Talking about price is interesting.
And of course, talking about cheap price is much more interesting, right? LOL
Well, well, well, today I would like to show you something.
It's cheap, it's small, and it's valuable.
What is it? It's a Islamic Code of Medical Ethics book.
Fyi, this book is being the first book about medical which I bought. hahaha
and another fyi, this book is really cheap so that my wallet could afford it. :p
Honestly, just for the very beginning it just made me excited to buy because of its cost. This book just cost me IDR 6K.
hahaha (I'm so happy to buy the cheap one)

After I read this one, I change my mind. The most important thing here is not about the price anymore, actually it's about the contents of the book itself.
Somehow, the contents is really touching. I'm not exageratting it but it just the facts.

This book shows us what to do if we're being a good doctor in Islamic point of view.
I just can not describe more about it. One thing that I know is you should read this one, especially if you wanna know more about Medicine in Islamic side. :)

I don't know whether this book sales still exist or not because I found it alone there in the bookshelf of Karisma PTC. Yey... :D
If you wanna read this one, just try to contact me ; I'll be glad to lend you mine :)
It will be very useful you know haha :)
ok see ya on next posts :D

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Being PIC of Sponsorship

11.31 Terry Mukminah Sari 2 Comments

Wahh... I don't know whether it's a good story or not. I just wanna share my experience about being one of committee in Neck&Neck 2011. Hahaha. It's kinda silly because actually I don't give much efforts in being committee for the first time. (sins declaration)

At first, I just left aside my responsibility on it. Yeah, it's mine. My fault. I don't know whether it's a reason or not, but, I just ignored almost everything related to my college, even several assignments from my lecturers (I'm feeling real sorry for Anthony, Edwin, Gebbie, Sally, and Gaby because I give all the assignments to them). Going back again to the, PIC thingy, I did leave those responsibility because actually I studied for my tests, SNMPTN. Yep. This is the main reason also on why I always hang out in library (-___-"). Fortunately, I got it, and passed the test. Alhamdulillah.

And what are the consequences of it ? Oow, I should search some money in only two weeks before the event held. OMG, it was being a big burden and pressure. Somehow, I was thinking about resigning from it but I can't and of course, I wouldn't like increasing more problems to the project manager and vice, Cunto and Delona. Nope. So that, honestly, I did it half-hearted for the very first time. haha (Del, cun, sorry to say about it) but, the good news, soon after I tried to design proposals, I realized that it will be fun and I can gain more experiences from it. Fyi, it's my way to boost my spirit again.
Therefore, very soon after proposals done I tried to contact several phone numbers and sometimes took route of Jakarta-Cikarang and Cikarang-Jakarta in a day. Is it tiring? Yeah of course, but the whole sacrifice wasn't useless. Finally, I got so many help from many parties which can't be mentioned and we (Neck and Neck 2011 committee) got Hot English Magazines, Hua Bei Petroleum Service, Domino Pizza, Vitacimin, EF, KPK (big thanks to Bryan),Fitholy, and Indonesia Power as our sponsors.
Thanks God, I know you love me a lot. Alhamdulillah.

And at the end (I just shortened the story), the events held successfully and we as the committee of Neck and Neck 2011 had succesfully create a big smile on the President of PACT DD 's face,  Alfredo Ferdireza. hahaha (sorry to mention) :p

special thanks for Bunda Sisi, Om Syuhada, Bahana Surya Perdhana (you know what are to be thanked for) and fams (tante Feby and Om Novi) :D

thanks also for Mbak Dionne from Hot English Magazine and for the whole committe thanks for being great partners. :D
and of course a big thanks for all sponsors :
 Thank you very much also for the audiences and all of person which help us in holding Neck&Neck 2011. :D

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Several words from non-smokers

09.20 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Dear Smokers, please get a plastic bag and cover yourself whenever you want to start smoking to enable you to enjoy the smoke 100% by yourself. I don't want any percentage of it nor do my friends who don't smoke. Don't kill me if you want to kill yourself. Regards, Non-smokers.
P.S.: Copy and paste this message at your profile to support the keep-smoke-away Campaign
I find this quotation on one of my friends profile. Truthfully, I really agree with this and so do the other non-smokers, right? hahah
For smokers, please do turn your ego down. It's for the sake for many people and nature. We don't hate you, we love you so that we care about you and your health. Trying to reduce it is the first step for stopping it. Attempt to eat vegetables and drink some milk before smoke, it will make the taste worse. Try it yaa :D

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a great story

08.25 Terry Mukminah Sari 1 Comments

Empat tahun yang lalu, kecelakaan telah merenggut orang yang kukasihi, sering aku bertanya-tanya, bagaimana keadaan istri saya sekarang di alam surgawi, baik-baik sajakah? Dia pasti sangat sedih karena sudah meninggalkan sorang suami yang tidak mampu mengurus rumah dan seorang anak yang masih begitu kecil. Begitulah yang kurasakan, karena selama ini saya merasa bahwa saya telah gagal, tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan jasmani dan rohani anak saya, dan gagal untuk menjadi ayah dan ibu untuk anak saya.

Pada suatu hari, ada urusan penting di tempat kerja, aku harus segera berangkat ke kantor, anak saya masih tertidur. Ohhh... aku harus menyediakan makan untuknya.

Karena masih ada sisa nasi, jadi aku menggoreng telur untuk dia makan. Setelah memberitahu anak saya yang masih mengantuk, kemudian aku bergegas berangkat ke tempat kerja.

Peran ganda yang kujalani, membuat energiku benar-benar terkuras. Suatu hari ketika aku pulang kerja aku merasa sangat lelah, setelah bekerja sepanjang hari. Hanya sekilas aku memeluk dan mencium anakku, saya langsung masuk ke kamar tidur, dan melewatkan makan malam. Namun, ketika aku merebahkan badan ke tempat tidur dengan maksud untuk tidur sejenak menghilangkan kepenatan, tiba-tiba saya merasa ada sesuatu yang pecah dan tumpah seperti cairan hangat! Aku membuka selimut dan..... di sanalah sumber 'masalah'nya ... sebuah mangkuk yang pecah dengan mie instan yang berantakan di seprai dan selimut!

Aku begitu marah, dan langsung memarahi anak saya yang sedang gembira bermain dengan mainannya, Dia hanya menangis, sedikitpun tidak meminta belas kasihan, dia hanya memberi penjelasan singkat:

"Yah, tadi aku merasa lapar dan tidak ada lagi sisa nasi. Tapi ayah belum pulang, jadi aku ingin memasak mie instan. Aku ingat, ayah pernah mengatakan untuk tidak menyentuh atau menggunakan kompor gas tanpa ada orang dewasa di sekitar, maka aku menyalakan mesin air minum ini dan menggunakan air panas untuk memasak mie. Satu untuk ayah dan yang satu lagi untuk saya .. Karena aku takut mie'nya akan menjadi dingin, jadi aku menyimpannya di bawah selimut supaya tetap hangat sampai ayah pulang. Tapi aku lupa untuk mengingatkan ayah karena aku sedang bermain dengan mainan saya ... Saya minta maaf Yah ... "

Seketika, air mata mulai mengalir di pipiku ... tetapi, saya tidak ingin anak saya melihat ayahnya menangis maka aku berlari ke kamar mandi dan menangis dengan menyalakan shower di kamar mandi untuk menutupi suara tangis saya. Setelah beberapa lama, aku hampiri anak saya, memeluknya dengan erat , lalu aku membujuknya untuk tidur. Kemudian aku membersihkan kotoran tumpahan mie di tempat tidur.

Ketika semuanya sudah selesai dan lewat tengah malam, aku melewati kamar anakku, dan melihat anakku masih menangis, bukan karena sedih karena dimarahi, tapi karena dia sedang melihat foto Ibu yang dikasihinya.

Satu tahun berlalu sejak kejadian itu, saya mencoba, dalam periode ini, untuk memusatkan perhatian dengan memberinya kasih sayang seorang ayah dan juga kasih sayang seorang ibu, serta memperhatikan semua kebutuhannya. Tanpa terasa, anakku sudah berumur 6 tahun, dan akan lulus dari Taman Kanak-kanak. Untungnya, insiden yang terjadi tidak meninggalkan kenangan buruk di masa kecilnya dan dia sudah tumbuh dewasa dengan bahagia.

Namun... belum lama, aku sudah memarahi habis-habisan anakku lagi, saya benar-benar menyesal....

Guru Taman Kanak-kanaknya memanggilku dan memberitahukan bahwa anak saya absen dari sekolah. Aku pulang kerumah lebih awal dari kantor, aku berharap dia bisa menjelaskan. Tapi ia tidak ada dirumah, aku pergi mencari di sekitar rumah kami, memangil-manggil namanya dan akhirnya menemukan dirinya di sebuah toko alat tulis, sedang bermain komputer game dengan gembira. Aku marah, membawanya pulang dan memarahinya habis-habisan. Dia diam saja lalu mengatakan, "Aku minta maaf, Yah".

Selang beberapa lama aku selidiki, ternyata ia absen dari acara "pertunjukan bakat" yang diadakan oleh sekolah, karena yg diundang adalah siswa dengan ibunya. Dan itulah alasan ketidakhadirannya karena ia tidak punya ibu.....

Beberapa hari setelah penghukuman, anakku pulang ke rumah memberitahu saya, bahwa disekolahnya mulai diajarkan cara membaca dan menulis. Sejak saat itu, anakku lebih banyak mengurung diri di kamarnya untuk berlatih menulis, yang saya yakin, jika istri saya masih ada dan melihatnya ia akan merasa bangga, tentu saja dia membuat saya bangga juga!

Waktu berlalu dengan begitu cepat, satu tahun telah lewat. Saat itu ramadhan telah tiba,dan semangat ramadhan untuk saling berkirim surat dan kartu lebaran pun mulai nampak ramai? terlihat dengan sering terlihatnya tukang pos keliling sering berlalu lalang didepan rumah .... tapi, anakku membuat masalah lagi. Ketika aku sedang menyelasaikan pekerjaan di hari-hari terakhir kerja, tiba-tiba kantor pos menelpon. Karena pengiriman surat sedang mengalami puncaknya, tukang pos juga sedang sibuk-sibuknya, suasana hati mereka pun jadi kurang bagus.

Mereka menelpon saya dengan marah-marah, untuk memberitahu bahwa anak saya telah mengirim beberapa surat tanpa alamat. Walaupun saya sudah berjanji untuk tidak pernah memarahi anak saya lagi, tetapi saya tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak memarahinya lagi, karena saya merasa bahwa anak ini sudah benar-benar keterlaluan. Tapi sekali lagi, seperti sebelumnya, dia meminta maaf : "Maaf, Yah". Tidak ada tambahan satu kata pun untuk menjelaskan alasannya melakukan itu.

Setelah itu saya pergi ke kantor pos untuk mengambil surat-surat tanpa alamat tersebut lalu pulang. Sesampai di rumah, dengan marah saya mendorong anak saya ke sudut mempertanyakan kepadanya, perbuatan konyol apalagi ini? Apa yang ada dikepalanya?

Jawabannya, di tengah isak-tangisnya, adalah : "Surat-surat itu untuk Ibu.....".

Tiba-tiba mataku berkaca-kaca..... tapi aku mencoba mengendalikan emosi dan terus bertanya kepadanya: "Tapi kenapa kamu memposkan begitu banyak surat-surat, pada waktu yg sama?"

Jawaban anakku itu : "Aku telah menulis surat buat Ibu sudah sejak lama, tapi setiap kali aku mau menjangkau kotak pos itu, terlalu tinggi bagiku, sehingga aku tidak dapat memposkan surat-suratku. Tapi baru-baru ini, ketika aku kembali ke kotak pos, aku bisa mencapai kotak itu dan aku mengirimkannya sekaligus".

Setelah mendengar penjelasannya ini, aku kehilangan kata-kata, aku bingung, tidak tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan, dan apa yang harus aku katakan ....

Aku bilang pada anakku, "Nak, Ibu sudah berada di surga, jadi untuk selanjutnya, jika kamu hendak menuliskan sesuatu untuk Ibu, cukup dengan berdoa. Setelah mendengar hal ini, anakku jadi lebih tenang, dan segera setelah itu, ia bisa tidur dengan nyenyak,  tapi.... saya jadi penasaran untuk membuka surat tersebut.

Dan salah satu dari isi surat-suratnya membuat hati saya hancur......

'Ibu sayang',

Saya sangat merindukanmu! Hari ini, ada sebuah acara 'Pertunjukan Bakat' di sekolah, dan mengundang semua ibu untuk hadir di pertunjukan tersebut. Tapi kamu tidak ada, jadi saya tidak ingin menghadirinya juga. Aku tidak memberitahu ayah tentang hal ini karena aku takut ayah akan mulai menangis dan merindukanmu lagi.

Saat itu untuk menyembunyikan kesedihan, aku duduk di depan komputer dan mulai bermain game di salah satu toko. Ayah keliling-keliling mencari saya, setelah menemukanku ayah marah, dan aku hanya bisa diam, ayah memukul aku, tetapi aku tidak menceritakan alasan yang sebenarnya.

Ibu, setiap hari saya melihat ayah merindukanmu, setiap kali dia teringat padamu, ia begitu sedih dan sering bersembunyi dan menangis di kamarnya. Saya pikir kita berdua amat sangat merindukanmu. Terlalu berat untuk kita berdua, saya rasa. Tapi Bu?, aku mulai melupakan wajahmu. Bisakah Ibu muncul dalam mimpiku sehingga saya dapat melihat wajahmu dan ingat Ibu? Temanku bilang jika kau tertidur dengan foto orang yang kamu rindukan, maka kamu akan melihat orang tersebut dalam mimpimu. Tapi Ibu, mengapa engkau tak pernah muncul?

Setelah membaca surat itu, tangisku tidak bisa berhenti karena saya tidak pernah bisa menggantikan kesenjangan yang tak dapat digantikan semenjak ditinggalkan oleh istri saya ....

(Di posting oleh : Yanti Ting)

WebRepPredikat secara keseluruhan
 It's a great story which could make my tears down this morning... I just can not imagine how I feel if I'm the one who has this situation. It will be so painful if you lose someone you love, especially your spouse. T_T

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It's about heart

22.57 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Having a chat with one of my senior high friend. Yep, talking about university.
May be, it's a boring topic that usually I wrote. fuhh...

I just realize that I've left something that some people want. Scholarship. Yep. I left my scholarship because I wanna study general medicine. Hemm, yeah, I know, for some people, I just sacrifice too much. I left my full scholarship in my previous university. and nowadays I'm being a freshman (again) so that I've left one year from it should be.
Sometimes, I think that I'm lack of profit here. LOL.

But, one thing that I know, if you wanna a bigger thing, you should spend bigger sacrifice.
Yeah, sacrifice is needed in life.
going back to main idea, literally, I choose this choice because I think it's my way.
My previous university is good, comfortable, sophisticated (maybe) but somehow I find out that it's my own way.

My heart says that my previous university is not the right place for me. It's not about having no gratitude for the scholarship thingy. It's about the desire on the subjects.
Somehow I usually find out that my deepest heart isn't really matched on the subjects there.
Yeah, I think I'm real woman because I follow my feeling.
In the end of the day, I hope my feeling doesn't lead me to an astray.
but it will show me a bright life in the future. Amen.

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Good News For Leukemia Patients

21.48 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

I just get news from my smartphone that said like this :
"Jika Anda Mendapati Teman atau Saudara yg terkena Leukemia atau istilah Kedokterannya CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia),Saat ini ada Yayasan yang Dapat Mensupply Obat Leukemia Tanpa Dipungut Biaya (GRATIS).Informasi Mengenai Hal Ini Dapat Menghubungi Ketua Koordinasi Yayasan Tersebut, yaitu :Bpk. Hardy SidhartaHP : 081553798910,Flexi : 031-71092099."
Those sentences means that in Indonesia, there was a great organization which concern about Leukemia patients. I'm so happy to see this. Hopefully, it can help those who are suffered by this disease. Please do spread this information because I'm pretty sure that there are so many people looking forward for this.
This organization will give free medicine for them. Spread it and help others :D

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Just A Day While I get What I want

13.03 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Well, this just happened several days ago while I'm officially being a student of my dreamed faculty. Faculty of Medicine.
Yup. Alhamdulillah. Now, right in a slot of my wallet, lying a card which I wanted to have since approximately 1 year ago.Alhamdulillah, I get it, I have it :)

I can not describe my gratitude with the words. Just by saying Alhamdulillah, I think Allah knows that it is my deepest gratitude for him who always give the best for my life. my parents, my sister, my brothers, my family, my best friends, and my only boy friend. :)
Finally, I can have it. It's the words around my mind.
Hopefully, that card which is also the award for every single sweat and pray of my parents, my family, my friends will always remind me to be serious in finishing my study.Thanks ya Allah. I Love You :D
This card below is my dreamed card :D

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10.57 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Biarlah Allah swt saja yang menyemangati kita
sehingga tanpa sadar setiap peristiwa menjadi teguran atas kemalasan kita.
Cukuplah Allah saja yang memelihara ketekunan kita
karena perhatian manusia terkadang menghanyutkan keikhlasan
Semoga Allah menjadikan kita pribadi yang bermakna
"Saat berbaur mampu menyemangati yang lain dan saat sendiri mampu menguatkan diri sendiri"
This quotes are just found this morning while I searched something for my college needs. And guess what ? Those words was successfully touched my deepest heart which could brings my tears down my face.
Hopefully, it will be burn my fat (nope, my spirit), so that I will get my dreams come true :)

I Love Allah :D

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thanks guys

09.48 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

yesterday was the day that completely messed up my feelings.

one side of me was smiling smoothly knowing that I'd go back and being one of the students in my dreamed university faster. On the other side, there's a half parts of my heart said that that was too bad to leave everything there, in Cikarang.
All of nice friends that can not be mentioned one by one, all of friendly staffs and workers, my only boyfriend (especially for now, LOL) and fams, and the little poci, a cute hamster which I've found on the dawn of Friday.
Those are so meaningful for me. There were so many wonderful things happened there which I'm sure that It will be hard to forget about.

Yeah, guys, all of my best friends there, thanks a lot for the motivations and supports.
I should promise that I'll not waste all of sweat and sacrifice from all of you.
I'll keep my spirit to get the dream.
Yeah, the dream which brings me to better person (Hopefully)

especially for my bf, thanks for everything you gave, everytime you spent just for accompanying me to reach my steps in reaching the dream and every sweat you waste just for supporting me.
I'll try hard to build up your pride on me :)
Take care there :)

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Tears ?

20.56 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

It's kinda silly to talk about this, but I just wanna share what I'm feeling this night and my points of view about tears.
It's just the last dinner for me as the member of E5.
All those girls are really cheerful and nice.
I just have realized that I'd spent so many moments with them.

Yep. It's not a matter of being separated from them, it's about the way they treat me here.
Well sisters.. I hope we'll always have nice relationship.

Talking about tears. I just wanna share a meaning of tears in my own eyes.
Tears is small thing but it's also useful for the kindness inside your hearts.
Sometimes, you really need to let your tears falling down through your cheeks.
It will make you become a kind-hearted person.
Trust me.
Somehow tears can bring you to the comfortable situation.
That's why, don't be afraid to let it out of your pretty eyes.
 Tears somehow can be your only friends to share what you're feeling :)
No doubt about that.

Night :)

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No day without gratitude

23.27 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Again. Today is being so important to me.
Yeah, many things happened naturally and of course great.
Alhamdulillah. The only word that should be pronounced every time you greet happiness.

The more days, the more beautiful things meets me or may be I meet them. Well, whatever.
Each day is being so meaningful right before my departure to my beloved hometown.
I guess those things will be arranged nicely on my deepest mind.

I don't know hoe to say it but I just can say that I love this day :)
The day when I still have strong spirit for taking my dreams out from the fantasy.
Hopefully, this note will be useful for me and giving me motivation while I'm down later on.

Thanks for everything ya Allah :)

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Never forget it

21.16 Terry Mukminah Sari 0 Comments

Today, 4th of July is really important to me.
I'm sure that today will be so memorable. Let me tell you why.
Today is the Independence Day of the USA. Yeah that's right and no doubt upon it.
This day is so special as the description of Katy Perry's song, Fireworks.
For me, today is so beautiful ; not because the fireworks ; it's more than that.
An euphoria had just came up just because a paper which  is safely lying on my file-holder by now on.

Hemm.. yeah, it's just a little thing that might be not so important for several person.
It's kinda hard for me to explain it but actually my fear came right after the announcement.
I was really afraid to  meet another obstacle in having my way to reach my dreams.
Being a doctor.

Well, being a doctor is commonly wished by kids. I couldn't pretend that I was one of those kids or may be I am one of the kids.
It's really hard to me to get the ticket for studying medical in my only desired university, Sriwijaya University.
The problems from my parents, my last university, and also the problem of time.
Fortunately, today, I've already deal with the matter of university.
Right here, right now, I'm really happy because I've filled the resign form smoothly without any destruction, especially about the money thingy.

Yup, I'm officially out from my last university.
And somehow, I just realized that each of my dreams greets me, slowly but sure.
Therefore, I strongly believe that Allah will always hear our hopes and wishes as long as we have a great desire and right purposes and directions.

I will never forget today because Today is the first footsteps on my own way in reaching one of my great dreams. :)
Alhamdulillah :D

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