Being PIC of Sponsorship

11.31 Terry Mukminah Sari 2 Comments

Wahh... I don't know whether it's a good story or not. I just wanna share my experience about being one of committee in Neck&Neck 2011. Hahaha. It's kinda silly because actually I don't give much efforts in being committee for the first time. (sins declaration)

At first, I just left aside my responsibility on it. Yeah, it's mine. My fault. I don't know whether it's a reason or not, but, I just ignored almost everything related to my college, even several assignments from my lecturers (I'm feeling real sorry for Anthony, Edwin, Gebbie, Sally, and Gaby because I give all the assignments to them). Going back again to the, PIC thingy, I did leave those responsibility because actually I studied for my tests, SNMPTN. Yep. This is the main reason also on why I always hang out in library (-___-"). Fortunately, I got it, and passed the test. Alhamdulillah.

And what are the consequences of it ? Oow, I should search some money in only two weeks before the event held. OMG, it was being a big burden and pressure. Somehow, I was thinking about resigning from it but I can't and of course, I wouldn't like increasing more problems to the project manager and vice, Cunto and Delona. Nope. So that, honestly, I did it half-hearted for the very first time. haha (Del, cun, sorry to say about it) but, the good news, soon after I tried to design proposals, I realized that it will be fun and I can gain more experiences from it. Fyi, it's my way to boost my spirit again.
Therefore, very soon after proposals done I tried to contact several phone numbers and sometimes took route of Jakarta-Cikarang and Cikarang-Jakarta in a day. Is it tiring? Yeah of course, but the whole sacrifice wasn't useless. Finally, I got so many help from many parties which can't be mentioned and we (Neck and Neck 2011 committee) got Hot English Magazines, Hua Bei Petroleum Service, Domino Pizza, Vitacimin, EF, KPK (big thanks to Bryan),Fitholy, and Indonesia Power as our sponsors.
Thanks God, I know you love me a lot. Alhamdulillah.

And at the end (I just shortened the story), the events held successfully and we as the committee of Neck and Neck 2011 had succesfully create a big smile on the President of PACT DD 's face,  Alfredo Ferdireza. hahaha (sorry to mention) :p

special thanks for Bunda Sisi, Om Syuhada, Bahana Surya Perdhana (you know what are to be thanked for) and fams (tante Feby and Om Novi) :D

thanks also for Mbak Dionne from Hot English Magazine and for the whole committe thanks for being great partners. :D
and of course a big thanks for all sponsors :
 Thank you very much also for the audiences and all of person which help us in holding Neck&Neck 2011. :D

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